31 Dec 2014

The philosopher's Black jumper

Since 1953 (when the German philosopher Martin Heidegger bought an example in a shop in Hamburg), it has been more or less impossible to claim to be a serious, thoughtful and sincere person of the mind without owning at least one black jumper.

British Author and philosoper Iris Murdoch

The black jumper has taken a price of place in the wardrobes of philosophical figures like Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, or Martha Nussbaum.
Under their influence, the jumper has spread beyound philosophers to inspire artists more generally (Mark Rothko, Milan Kundera or Samuel Beckett) as well as anyone wishing to signal a commintment to intellectual life (Audrey Herpburn, Jackie Kennedy or Jimmy Carter).

Samuel Beckett: novelist, poet, theatre director, playwriter, essayist.

A key function of clothes is show that one belongs to a particular tribe. This comes out most clearly in the case of military or work uniforms, but all clothes are, in fact, uniforms of varying kinds. They take their place alongside language as a key tool of self-communication.

James Dean

The philosopher's black jumper has a clear identity: it signals a commintment to simplicity and thoughtfulness. Here nothing is superfluos, things are reduced to their essence.

Marilyn Monroe

 The black jumper seeks reason and timelessness, and it argues that minimalism is a key concern in a crowded and busy world: it means efficiency without loss of grace.
The jumper believes it is possible to embrace the elegance of a pared-down life, without being dour or puritanical.

Andy Warhol

Audrey Hepburn

Czech writer Milan Kundera